Sharing Recipes

At Buckland Farm Market, our customers will often share a recipe or cooking tip that they find delicious, unique, useful. One such came my way this week: Our customer was so delighted to find a pot of chocolate mint, he readily told me about how he uses it. Citing a recipe his grandmother used from…


Braise verb , braised, braising. to cook (meat, fish, or vegetables) by sautéeing in fat and then simmering slowly in very little liquid. A great winter way to cook. Simmering meat and/or vegetables fill the house with warmth and an aroma of good things to come. Braising meat has long been practiced in dishes such…

Winter Squashes

The season of fresh corn on the cob has past, seemingly, everyone’s favorite vegetable. What can replace it? Try the rich flavors of winter squash. So many varieties to choose from. Acorn and butternut are well known. Spaghetti squash is becoming a favorite. Then there’s turban, carnival, hubbard, delicata. Exotic-sounding, maybe, but delicious. Winter squashes…